Investigadores por fin lograron tomar en video uno de los fenomenos mas extraños del planeta, el llamado JET que basicamente es un relampago de cabeza, es decir que sale de la tierra hacia el cielo...!!!! toxico...
Los cientificos de la Duke University de EU capturaron un gigantesco Jet de 40 millas contando desde el suelo al cielo.
Script original:
"The Duke University team caught a one-second view and magnetic field measurements that are now giving scientists a much clearer understanding of these rare events.
"This confirmation of visible electric discharges extending from the top of a storm to the edge of the ionosphere provides an important new window on processes in Earth's global electrical circuit," said Brad Smull, program director in NSF's Division of Atmospheric Sciences, which funded the research.
"Our measurements show that gigantic jets are capable of transferring a substantial electrical charge to the lower ionosphere," (Duke professor Steven) Cummer said.
"They are essentially upward lightning from thunderclouds that deliver charge just like conventional cloud-to-ground lightning. What struck us was the size of this event."
Espero sea de su maldito agrado.
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